Personal 'Video' Response
Complete Transcript of Personal Response
Start with Why by Simon Sinek speaks on many large topics and these topics have to do with the concept of why. Many of these I recognized in my own life and many of them I found in society today. "People don't buy what you do they buy why you do it." Martin Luther King, apple, the Wright brothers, all of these three different entities have one thing in common they all start with why. Martin Luther King's certainly wasn't the only affected buy a pre-civil rights America, so why was it he who led the Civil Rights Movement? And the Wright brothers certainly weren't the most qualified group to master powered man flight. Nor were they the most funded. So why was it them who figured it out instead of Samuel Pierpont Langley? And apple certainly isn't special in any way they have the same access to the same materials to the same employees as a company like Dell. So why is it Apple that has such a large following and such a dedicated fan base. I think apple is the one that I most identify with. I personally own three different Apple products. Sinek shows the difference between Apple and everyone else. Writing, "We make great computers they're beautifully designed, simple to use and user-friendly. Wanna buy one?"(p.40). As opposed to the way Apple actually markets, "Everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe in thinking differently. The way we challenge the status quo is by making our products beautifully-designed, simple to use and user-friendly. And we happen to make great computers. Wanna buy one?"(p.41). Much more convincing pitch, isn't it? People don't buy WHAT Apple does; they buy WHY they do it.
Sinek also talks about the emergence of trust, and how a company works best when the needs of the lowest employees are met. I personally relate this to a school system. Sinek uses Continental Airlines as an example. "Mud rolls down a hill, and if you're the one standing at the bottom, you get hit with the full brunt."(p.83). Continental Airlines was the worst Airline in the industry throughout the 80's. A man by the name of Gordon Bethune shared the philosophy, "Happy employees ensure happy customers."(p.83). And he took over the company in 1994. The company had lost $600 million and ranked last in every measurable performance category. But the very next year, the company made $250 million and was soon ranked as one of the best companies to work for in America. And the greatest gains were in the performance category that you cannot measure: trust. When you have a company that is led by someone who is not driven by self-gain, trust emerges in the farthest corners of the company. This is very closely related to me since I "work" in a institution led in a very similar way to a business. With the Principal being the Head Manager, the teachers are the employees, and the students are the customers. At North Toronto, I feel safe, secure, and open to express my ideas and opinions. I don't think this should be something we take for granted. I think we should realize that this is the result of an organization being run by individual(s) who are driven by something other than self-gain.